Thursday, 10 June 2010

Started Practicing the Dressage Tests Last Night!

"B or C?" "C!" "C? Here?" xD Probably should have looked at the test before hand... Need to work on square halts, my 20m circles are drifting, trot-walk-trot transitions, give and retake the reins in trot (done in hundreds of times in canter, not so much in trot!), left rein trot to canter transitions... Lots to work on.

We started practicing the Novice test, but that turned out to be more complicated, and we couldn't even run it through because I had to keep stopping to look at the test! I have a video where we were sort of practicing it, although we miss read the test and did 3 loops instead of 4, therefore ending up on the wrong rein as well... That confused us!

There's a few places in the test that we really need to work on. The test starts with a halt on the centre line, which we've never done before, so Niels thinks it's finished, but we then have to proceed in trot! There's also a rein back in the test, Niels tends to want to stick his butt out when he does though so we end up a horse's length back and not on the track. Just have to keep practicing it, it'll come. The medium paces need some work as well. All good fun though. :)

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