Thursday, 1 July 2010

Niels is healing well! There's been absolutely no weeping or anything that I was expecting to happen, I need to get myself some of that tissue glue.

He is gradually losing some weight. We're measuring his girth and his widest, grass belly, points about once a week, and recording it. He's getting about 3 days of being ridden and then a day off. Two of those days doing dressage, and then the last day some jumping. Haven't been able to ride out because the ground's too hard, can't believe I'm actually praying for rain. Sacrilege!

We have a couple of competitions lined up before the Haflinger Show. Decided against going to Abbey Dressage, it's a bit too long a journey for his first show of the summer. We should be going to Swallowfield on the 10th July to do some unaffiliated dressage and clear round SJ. I've never done a SJ class in my life, so clear round is probably a good way to start. On the weekend after we'll be going to Solihull Riding Club to do combined training. So a bit more serious show jumping, the weekend before the Haflinger Show.

Busy, busy, busy!

1 comment:

  1. good luck on SJ! Though I agree Clear round at least is a great start! Also making sure you having fun is important too.

    hope you have a video / pic of these shows!
