Monday, 3 August 2009

We didn't have quite such a successful test on Sunday at Solihull Riding Club. We did the Novice 28 test, and we should have got a nice result. Niels was going wonderfully, we were brilliant in the warm up, but when we entered the school, I didn't really ...perform. I suppose that's the word for it. It wasn't appalling or anything, anywhere else we would have got in the 60s but Solihull have some really strict judges who obviously aren't keen on ponies. They said that his trot was hurried, but I was awaiting a sluggish written all over my test sheet. We've watched back the video as well, and everyone agrees that it was sluggish, so the conclusion we came to was that we were the only pony they'd seen that day and that pretty much explains it... Still came 5th though and got a rosette! It's all about the rosettes after all. ;)

The other thing that I'm going to change is that I'm going to go back to carrying out the tests in rising trot, I got told at Solihull by someone that at this level you get better markers in rising trot than in sitting, the more swinging the movement the better. Which makes sense, you're getting marked on how ready you are to move onto the next level really.
The only problem with this though is that his carriage doesn't stay as consistent when I do rising trot. He's a very easily distracted pony and if I'm not telling him constantly to pay attention, he doesn't. I know I should be able to do this in rising trot as well, so I'm going to work on that for next week.

I have constant battles with Niels about him being a complete chicken. If something in the school has moved positions he'll shy away from it the first few times past it, hacking out he's not so bad, perhaps he's just so surrounded by scary things that maybe he kind of resigns himself to the fact that he's going to get eaten. haha Anyway, Solihull Riding Club arena is scary. It's indoors, really high roof and there's often birds there, viewing place down the sides, you enter straight through a door from the warm up arena so there's napping issues, the judges are in a glass box/conservatory thing, a cafe/viewing gallery above the judges, a walkway at the judges end to toilets, adverts, etc, a vending machine and most importantly random chairs. Niels doesn't like randomly placed things. :P So I enter the arena riding really positively, Niels is positively shaking in his boots as we walk down the side past the chairs, away from the warm up arena and then all the way past the judges (who talked to us! Shock and horror!) and he looked like a nutter the whole way, felt like a nutter but didn't at all behave like a nutter. I was so proud!
So even though we didn't do so well in our score and performance he was brilliant and I'm super proud of him not showing me up. Apparently some other girl's horse went loopy when they were going past the judges in their test and shot off up the school. I had visions of that being us, but he really stepped up and did me proud instead. :)

We're going to Swallowfield Equestrian Centre on the 9th August (This Sunday) and we're doing the Prelim 19, which we will be doing again on the 31st for our very first championship! :P We're also doing the Novice 22. Both tests are in a 20x60m arena... I don't have a 20x60m arena to practice in, not sure how to go about this. lol At least we'll have a warm up test this time, Niels can have his worries about the arena and so can I without too much of a worry.
Fingers crossed for a better weekend! : )

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