Sunday, 9 August 2009

We went to Swallowfield Equestrian Centre today and did Prelim 19 and Novice 22. Niels was brilliant as usual, but our test sheet didn't reflect it. Totally my fault of course, he was really willing and I just didn't do him justice. We weren't placed, just missed out in the Prelim, and nowhere to be seen in the Novice. There were a lot of warmblood and sports horse types there, I'm trying not to be put off by it all, I really enjoy competing and I've just got to focus on that aspect and try to squish my competitive side. :P

The first test was the prelim 19, I was so flustered in the test because it was the first time I'd ridden the test in a 20m by 60m school, and I was constantly panicking about where all the extra markers were! Worst panic was at the end of the test when I had to do a 20m circle at V (victor you'll hear my mum say) and I did an oh **** where's V?! Of course I'd just gone bloody past it hadn't it? So that was totally cocked up.
The 15m circles are 20m circles, he really drifted to the wall both times. Doesn't look like it on the video, just looks like I planned it like that...
Our walk is appalling.
Canter not too bad, but not very balanced at times.
He kept bloody spooking at the viewing gallery, didn't think we were going to manage to track right at the beginning...
Then the trot again they said was hurried. Definitely agree with that in some occasions, but I'm not really sure. I've arranged a lesson tomorrow (only time she was free, I'd usually give him a day off) and I've made a nice long list of things to ask and get help with, this will definitely be at the top of the list.

The second test was Novice 22. I was quite pleased with him in that one. I was worried about the counter canters, but he didn't break out of them early at all and I thought we deserved at least a 7 for one of the two, but they disagreed, 6s for both reins. I really slowed Niels down from the start and I didn't get so many hurried comments. Totally cocked up the medium trot strides across the school. Really unfortunate because they're quite lovely when he does them right, he broke into canter half way through. On both reins. I'm blaming Niels for that, we've practiced that SO much, we hardly ever canter across the school in that way and he pretty much associates going across the diagonal as medium trot time, so he was just being a cheeky little sod and choosing to play up. Our medium canter section was brilliant, needs work still obviously, but the way he came back to working canter on each rein was so brilliant and balanced, I'm so chuffed with him! Only got 6s for them, but no comments about balance or anything so I'm still pleased.
We did get a few 7s, so the entire thing wasn't diabolical. :P

Only the beginning of the test because the memory in the camera ran out.

Again people were saying that they were marking harshly today. There were some gorgeous warmbloods competing today and they were doing quite lovely tests, with quite experienced riders on their backs and the highest mark I saw on the score board was a 65%. Bit odd if you ask me.

No more competitions until the end of August I think. God knows how much I've spent these past few weeks!

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