Tuesday 24 August 2010

4th on 68.93%!

At Allens Hill, Pinvin. 68.93% and we came 4th amongst some really stiff competition. Still can't believe we even placed!
Six 8s! Lost most of our marks this time on the transitions, and that last centre line where Niels thought we were doing leg yielding. :/
lol @ me gathering my reins after the (attempt at) free walk! Couldn't work out which rein was which! Bloody plait fell out after 5 minutes by the way...

We qualified for the Championships at that venue on bank holiday monday (next Monday)!

We're now moving on up to competing at Elementary! :D


  1. Great ride and great score! Very impressive - your competition must have been really good or you would have been first or second. Let us know how you do at the Championships.

  2. nice video! I have been working hard on my flat work with Arden. She getting there but I am looking to do my first show but doing Training 2 and 3 on the 25th of September!
